Meet our leaders. You can get in touch with us by emailing
info@firesidechurch.org or by reaching out individually below.
Our executive team provides oversight and leadership surrounding how we steward our resources and business operations, including finances, personnel, facilities, assets and legal compliance, in order to best use what we have to mobilize our mission to follow Jesus together.

Kate Bauer

Bethany Beauregard

Jay Kobzik
Fireside Embers: Owning the Mission to “Follow Jesus Together”
When it comes to fire, just a few embers positioned closely together can provide light and warmth for everyone around them. However, as theologian Charles Spurgeon said, “One log does not burn well by itself.” As we seek to live life “fireside” together–empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring light to the darkness, experiencing the warmth of His presence with us–we invite all those who call Fireside Church their home to order their lives around five key areas in order to own the mission of Fireside and follow Jesus together in community: Generosity, Community, Rest, Time with God, and Service & Hospitality.